We e-mail, chat and stay connected to the internet all day in one way or another. You might think that personal contact and being available by telephone play a secondary role for the modern consumer, however, this assumption about the digital age has proved to be wrong.
- Outsourcing
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders

More and more entrepreneurs are discovering the advantages of modern distribution of work by outsourcing their processes. This article will illustrate how this can also greatly simplify company start-ups too.
- Outsourcing
- Tips to reduce business expenses

Research reveals: Availability at the weekends is profitable!
As an office service provider, with 24h-availability on 365 days a year, we invest a lot of effort and time in explaining to our customers the importance of being available at weekends and outside of classic office hours.
- Outsourcing
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders
- Tips for Professionals

Hiring employees – How you choose the right ones (part 2)
Let’s revisit the best way to reveal an applicant’s genuine attitude. Rule number 3: Meet interesting candidates several times and give them various tasks. You can’t get to know someone solely on the basis of one interview over the phone and a subsequent meeting in person. You need a multilevel selection procedure.
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders
- Tips for Professionals

A Guide to hiring new employees – how to select the right applicants (part 1)
Unfortunately, most companies have a difficult time hiring the right employees. Most of us probably have made some bad decisions when it comes to hiring new employees. In fact, this can happen to anyone. It is simply human to make mistakes. Of course it would be nice, though, if the process of hiring could be improved.
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders
- Tips for Professionals

How to divert your calls and stop losing money and customers
As a professional or entrepreneur you are constantly on the go. In your high-paced working life you will be in situations where you can miss important calls or be in a situation (meetings, business travel, etc.) in which by answering, you would not make the best impression.
- Outsourcing
- Time-Management
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders
- Tips for Professionals

The art of delegation – and how to learn it
It’s an all-too-common scene. There’s your desk, almost invisible under a mountain of paper; there you are, giving yourself a crash course in something that would be best tackled by a specialist. There are your evenings and weekends, sacrificed to another deadline, another appointment.
- Office Administration & Organization
- Time-Management
- Tips for Entrepreneurs & Founders
- Tips for Professionals